All hands on deck!
That’s the call you hear onboard the ship when the storm gets rough, the going gets tough and every sailor's participation is needed.
All hands on deck!
That’s the call of the hour to each one of us, as our efforts are needed to navigate through the current challenges and turmoil in our world.
This little boat is a charity box named ARK, (for Acts of Random Kindness), and our goal is to get one of these into every single home in the Clark County community (and then beyond!).
We all want to make our world better and our communities kinder, yet having an awareness and a will to make change is only the first step.
It must then be followed by action.
(Kind of like swimming...You can hear all about it from an instructor, but you’ll only become a good swimmer after getting your feet wet.
Kind of like healthy living...You can read all about it, but it’ll only go into effect once you start eating and living healthier.)
We all value kindness and compassion, and this ARK will enable you to DO kindness and BE compassionate. Doing Kindness is the surest way to pass that value on to our kids too.
Similar to any learned skill, kindness needs repetition inorder for it to be our default mode of action. With this ARK in your home, you can drop a coin in it every single day, until your life (and by ripple effect, our community and then the world at large) will be filled, not just with Acts of Random Kindness, but rather Acts of Routine Kindness.
(Once filled, bring it to any charitable cause or person in need. Or simply write a check/make an online donation, in the same sum of all the coins you’ve collected.
Get your entire family involved in giving, daily and consistently.
Share an ARK with every friend.
Tell your co-workers about it.
Leave one at every office you visit.
Give one to every client.
We all know how quickly tiny, infinitesimal droplets spread… let’s make kindness spread even quicker.)